Leadership Coaching Program
Transform Leadership Performance at any level
Exceptional leadership means constantly honing one’s skills, and continually investing in self-development through personal and professional growth. Whether you are a seasoned leader or just starting out, the coaching supports your leadership journey by:
identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement associated with critical leadership competencies
allowing you to build more self-awareness
guiding the creation and execution for a personalized leadership development plan

This program will integrate 4 Critical Success Factors for sustainable development which is Sponsor Integration, Professional Coaching, Objective Feedback and self-learning through assignments and reflection practices.
This program includes:
Sponsors' visible support
One Assessment
3 Supporters' Feedback
4 Coaching Sessions
Participant and Sponsors Program Evaluation

Assessment s and Feedback
While everyone has innate qualities that make them natural leaders, leadership is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved. The insight from this assessment will unlock and enhance the parts of leadership that are natural strengths and help you work on areas with potential for improvement to make you a more well-rounded, balanced, and adaptable leader.
Assessments Included:
One Assessment
3 Supporters Feedback
8 Skills For Top Performing Leaders
(Examples of Potential Focus Areas during coaching sessions)
1. Communication Skills
Communication Skills looks at the extent to which you communicate with economy and clarity and welcome feedback. It asks the question: "How well do you design and send your messages and then attentively listen to people's responses in order to adjust your delivery and message?”
2. Decision-making
Decision-making refers to an individual's ability to systematically examine options; identify limits, outcomes, and risks to be considered; assign weights to each possible alternative; and then select the option that best meets the desired goals and standards.
3. Delegation
Delegation looks at how you give team members the freedom or space to determine how they will accomplish the work, tasks or projects delegated to them. It asks the question: "To what extent do you create a climate of trust in which people feel that they can take risks and make mistakes to learn and achieve things in a better or different way?”
4. Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence looks at your ability to recognize, understand, and harness your feelings and the feelings of others. It asks the question: "How intelligently aware are you of your emotional reactions and those of others, and how effective are you at putting that information to good use?”
5. Managing Change
Managing Change looks at how well you anticipate and plan for future change and then manage yourself and others to handle it well. It asks the question: "How effectively do you manage personal and widespread change to actively steer the process to positive and beneficial ends for you, your team and your organization?”
6. Setting Goals and Standards
Setting Goals and Standards refers to an individual's ability to manage activities and projects using measurable goals and standards and working with others to set goals and standards to develop understanding and build commitment. This competency looks at one's ability to evaluate and prioritize goals, intentions, and action standards; eliminate barriers to the goal-setting process; evaluate goals against criteria and standards; and use goals to motivate.
7. Team Building
Team Building looks at the extent to which you trust, coach, and guide your team and team members to influence and help them control their destiny through their efforts. It asks the question: "How well do you empower individuals and team members so that they believe that the consequences of their actions are their own?
8. Visualizing the Future
Visualizing the Future is the extent to which you spend time thinking about the medium-term and long-term future to identify a positive and compelling vision of what could be. It asks the question: "How well do you anticipate and find ways to creatively or inspirationally describe to team members what may happen in the future?"
10-Step Journey Framework
Coach discussion with Sponsors
Welcome Email
Coach Call with Participant
Launch assessment
Assessment debrief
Coaching Goals
Supporter selection
Post-coaching reflections
Assignment exercises
15-mins 3-way discussion with Line Manager
Pre-coaching reflections
Coaching Session
Practical assignment
Post-coaching reflections
Assignment exercises
Pre-coaching reflections
Coaching Session
Practical assignment
Post-coaching reflections
Assignment exercises
Supporter Feedback
Pre-coaching reflections
Coaching Session
Practical assignment
Post-coaching reflections
Participant Update with Coach and Sponsors
Coaching Evaluation